The FDA is going after cigars. Why not close down all the fast food restaurants like McDonalds and Burger King that entice children to eat their low quality dog food with junky toys made in China and poisoning them. The agenda of the anti-smoking bandits is for the next generation to be tobacco free by continuing to chip away at our rights as adults.
I guess they also want to decimate our economy and job market even more by eradicating around 1 million jobs, not counting the shops and accessory companies that will close and put more people out of work. What is their plan to replace them?
FDA BREAKING NEWS: Regulation has arrived…today, the FDA has posted their deeming rules regarding cigars; and it’s not without a surprise: they're considering TWO options for cigar regulation:
Option 1 would be for the FDA to regulate ALL cigars – premium, machine made, etc – as THE SAME kind of product. We don’t want that to happen.
Option 2 would make a NEW DEFINITION for “covered cigars,” under which the FDA would consider premium cigars.
More news to follow...#getfiredup